Non-Dilutive Capital – Tax Incentives, Grants, Loans, etc.

EAG’s turnkey service minimizes your time involved in the process while maximizing your potential benefit.

Identifying Opportunities

There are many state and local programs to support new investment, job growth and retention, but how many are applicable to your company’s future plans? EAG can quickly evaluate your company’s specific situation to help you determine what programs you may be eligible to pursue.

Realizing Benefit

EAG handles every step of the incentive process from initial negotiations and applications to the final payout phase ensuring that you receive the full amount of the awarded benefit. Benefit compliance is critical and often an area overlooked by companies pursuing incentives. EAG’s methods for collecting and maintaining project data is an important part of the monitoring service we provide and can result in adjusting project parameters over the lifetime of a benefit.

Staying Connected

Keeping up to date on new programs rolling out or the refunding of existing programs is difficult when you have a business to operate. Partnering with EAG will automatically keep you abreast of the latest incentive program developments and news. Our firm monitors all agencies that manage incentive, grant, and loan programs so that we can provide our clients with the latest news and updates.

Economic Development Services

Project Management

EAG has represented communities, as well as regional and statewide economic development organizations in various roles as an economic development professional. Engagements spanning from project management to local business outreach has been a core part of EAG’s Economic Development Services practice.

Marketing & Advocacy

We have engaged with communities to market existing properties and buildings to site selectors and interested companies. EAG also specializes in the advocacy of communities with state and regional economic development agencies acting as a point of contact for statewide site selection projects and expansions.

Site Certification & Development

EAG has experience working with communities to identify properties that can be elevated to certified development sites by third party site selectors. Our process can help communities catalog sites and inventory property based on development readiness.